M2 Learning Community 12-13 Feb 2021
Fri, 12 Feb
Mission: 'Therefore go...' This is the second of four learning community gatherings in the M4 church planting process where all church planting teams do the bulk of their learning online in preparation for coming together in a learning community and work to plan into the future.

Time & Location
12 Feb 2021, 15:00 – 13 Feb 2021, 16:00
About the Programme and FAQs
Cost Announcement
We hope you agree that the quality of the training and potential value to you and your team is very high. Having reviewed our first year at Counties Planting Network we realise we are not covering the cost of the M4 training and therefore, we will charge £90 per person per gathering to more fully reflect the costs involved to Counties.
For M4 on Zoom the reduced £50 price has been set but if team members feel they can stretch themselves to £70+ you would be helping Counties in the process and that would be greatly appreciated.
There are two cohorts attending this learning community on 12-13th February 2021: M2 and M3.
M2 Cohort
"Therefore, go...'
Dates: Arrival before 3pm on Friday Feb 12th 2021
Departure after 4pm on Saturday Feb 13th 2021
Location: virtual zoom gathering
Cost - Zoom reduced price of £50
- The money will go to cover the cost of the M4 training process including assessments, online training, gatherings and coordinating coaching.
- After a team member is signed up we will contact them to start the online preparation for the M4 learning community. Before the weekend gathering we would like team members to do the following tasks: View the online training videos on the topic and answer the reflection questions.
- Other plants/re-plants are receiving financial support from supporter churches to help offset the costs for team members.
- If you are unable to get local support to help with the cost of this gathering and need it, send a note to James Hyde, (james.hyde@countiesuk.org) and we will get back to you.
We will be hosted by volunteers from a church planted with help from Counties and others.
Travel: It is important to arrive for the first session at 3pm on Friday and to be leaving after 4pm on Saturday.
All questions and comments should be sent via email to James Hyde, james.hyde@countiesuk.org.
M2 Feb 2021 Admit one Adult
£50.00+£1.25 service feeSale ended